Khmer Language

Learn Cambodian Khmer Language Words


In common practice Khmer people use Joom reap sour and Soksaby jia tay in English "How do you do" and "How are you" respectively.

Also it is quite acceptable to say to someone tov na "Where are you going?" as you bump into someone unexpectedly and/or briefly. It is not considered rude or nosy.

Suersdey, Hello, is acceptable to use any time of the day, however here is a list of the many variations you could use that is more time specific.

Arun Suersdey- Good morning

Tik-vea Suersdey- Good afternoon

Sai-yorn Suersdey- Good evening

Reatrey Suersdey- Good night

Lea, Bye, unlike English the word Lea alone isn't commonly used nor does it make much sense. It is usually followed by another word to complete it, Lea Heuy/ Lea Sen Heuy (Bye for now), Joom reap lea (more polite way of saying Good bye).

Joom as if you were to say Please be informed/advised. It may sound very formal and stringent, but it is!